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Write text here… Related articles Downtown LA on pace for driest calendar year ( Reader photo: It never rains in… ( It’s raining in california tonight ( Hunter Rain Boots ( Rain on me ( Continue reading

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Biker Struck, Killed by Calif. Sheriff’s Cruiser
Entertainments / Law Enforcement News Alert

Biker Struck, Killed by Calif. Sheriff’s Cruiser

The impact smashed the cruiser’s windshield, leaving cuts on deputy’s arm and glass in his eyes. Former Napster exec Milton Everett Olin was struck and killed by a sheriff’s patrol car on Sunday. (Photo : Courtesy of Milton Everett Olin LinkedIn) Napster’s ex- chief operating officer died on Sunday, after he was fatally hit by … Continue reading

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Typhoon Haiyan: how you can help – and how some US Filipinos already are
Exclusive / World

Typhoon Haiyan: how you can help – and how some US Filipinos already are

A survivor writes a message to call for help in typhoon-ravaged Tacloban, central Philippines, on Monday, Nov. 11. Authorities said at least 2 million people in 41 provinces were affected by the typhoon. Aaron Favila/AP LOS ANGELES The largest community of Filipinos outside their country – in southern California – is stepping up in a … Continue reading

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Accused Los Angeles airport shooter could face death penalty
Law Enforcement News Alert / Nation / Shooting

Accused Los Angeles airport shooter could face death penalty

1 of 17. Traffic fills airport streets, passing law enforcement vehicles outside Terminal 3, as access to airport terminal parking lots resumes after a shooting at the Los Angeles International Airport November 1, 2013. Credit: Reuters/David McNew By Alex Dobuzinskis and Dana Feldman LOS ANGELES | Sat Nov 2, 2013 10:22pm EDT (Reuters) – The 23-year-old man accused … Continue reading

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