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Analysis: U.S. air pollution authority faces Supreme Court tests
Health and fitness / Law Enforcement News Alert / Life style / Nation

Analysis: U.S. air pollution authority faces Supreme Court tests

The skyline of downtown Los Angeles through a layer of smog is seen in the distance from a rooftop in Hollywood, California, May 31, 2006. (Reuters) – The U.S. government’s authority to regulate air pollution nationwide, often against the wishes of Republican-leaning states, could face new curbs when the Supreme Court takes on two high-stakes … Continue reading

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D.C. insurance commissioner fired a day after questioning Obamacare fix
Business / Health and fitness / Nation

D.C. insurance commissioner fired a day after questioning Obamacare fix

A day after he questioned President Obama’s decision to unwind a major tenet of the health-care law and said the nation’s capital might not go along, D.C. insurance commissioner William P. White was fired. White was called into a meeting Friday afternoon with one of Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s (D) top deputies and told that the mayor … Continue reading

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