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Treasury Warrant in the Amount of $7.2 Million...

Treasury Warrant in the Amount of $7.2 Million for the Purchase of Alaska, 08/01/1868, Page 1 of 2 (Photo credit: The U.S. National Archives)

With this check, the United States completed t...

With this check, the United States completed the purchase of almost 600,000 square miles of land from the Russian Government. This treasury warrant issued on August 1, 1868, at the Sub-Treasury Building at 26 Wal, New York, New York, transferred $7.2 million to Russian Minister to the United States Edouard de Stoeckl. The purchase price of the 49th state? Less than two cents an acre. Original located in the National Archives, Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of Treasury. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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